Friday, 27 November 2020


A 12 AM, winter drive, under blankets of black sky

There'll be no sleep till Brisbane & I got exams, at 9

Cousin Dan drives while I sit tight in the passenger side

tapping my shoes, to the Higgs Boson Blues

We don't talk much, neither of us are the type

But we both know there's something sour in the sky tonight, 

It follows in the rear-view and looms the road ahead

But I've got St Chris in my pocket, keeping us safe till morning's light

We pull in to a servo, for a Red Bull and a quick bite, 

The baker's in early, working to dim lights 

He takes bread from the oven with a split and a sigh, 

while crows and owls perch outside and shriek through cedar pines

We press on as a storm rolls in through the dark

and the headlights cast patterns like veins on evergreen bark 

through the branches and limbs that grow and reach out 

to bring drowning rain down to kiss the ground

The rain pours hard and the windows fog 

and streetlights dance through them like wisps in a bog

They whisper omens with the cold wind through the window

that Daniel cracks to have another smoke

The highway stretches on for close to eternity 

like the forever hallway in a house of leaves

But we reach our destination around 4:30

and I let the last four hours wash like the rain over me

I dry myself off and fall into bed 

with the hum of the tires still echoing in my head

and I lay there sinking, into the doona, thinking 

maybe it's not us St Chris should've been protecting

The wisps are still here with me, 

glowing faint, through the frosted windows of my room

Guiding me, gently, as I drift off to sleep, 

promising, "those omens weren't meant for you"

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Mother's Day, 2020

A legacy left over 43 years
You weren't here to change the world
but blessed the universe of many
You were the light when the stars disappeard

You wanted bigger things for your kids
That, I understand, but wish I could ask
If we too, were to rattle the stars,
wouldn't we just shake loose your mark?

So would it make you proud
If the answer that I've found

We don't need big ambitions
to make our mark,
if we lead lives, like you,
full of grace and full of heart.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #30 & 31: Luciferian Towers & Book Burner

What up motherfuckers. Welcome to double day. We’re doing the reviews for the album I listened to yesterday, for day 30 (which I couldn’t write up yesterday as I was busy doing things and stuff and stuff and things) and the album from today, day 31, all rolled into one beautiful review. Did it help that I got two wildly disparate albums so I could bounce them off one another? No, no it didn’t.

Godspeed's Luciferian Towers // Pig Destroyer's Book Burner

Monday, 23 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #29: +44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating

Day 29. Couple days shy of a month. That’s wild. Shoutout to me for sticking with this. God knows how much longer I will. Today I listened to all of the almost-Blink-182 record, +44’s When Your Heart Stops Beating.

+44 // When Your Heart Stops Beating

Sunday, 22 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #28: Sandi Thom - Smile... It Confuses People

Hey what’s up today’s been a long day. I filmed a music video, cut my foot a little, watched Scott Morrison fucking embarrass himself on live television, and had gnocchi for dinner. And I still managed to bang out a listen of album 28 in this series: Smile... It Confuses People by Sandi Thom.

Sandi Thom // Smile... It Confuses People

Saturday, 21 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #27: Petal - Magic Gone

Happy day 27 yo. Today I went bandcamp shopping to support the music peeps. I bought a bunch of shit including an album I’ve been holding off on for a hot minute, which will be today’s album because I’m lazy. Today I bought (among other things) the second Peal album, Magic Gone, and ah yeah I may be a total mark for this shit hey.

Petal // Magic Gone

Friday, 20 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #26: Metallica - Master of Puppets

Happy Friday, pals. Day 26 of these things. Somehow almost a month in. And today we got number 143: One of Metallica’s classic records or something, Master of Puppets.

Metallica // Master of Puppets

Thursday, 19 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #25: Annalise - Here's to Hope

Today’s album is number 106: Annalise’s Here’s to Hope. I got this album for fifty cents in a JB Hi-Fi bargain bin because I liked the album title and also because it’s on No Idea records who’ve done releases from Against Me, Planes Mistaken for Stars, Jawbreaker, Hot Water Music, and Small Brown Bike (who I have big heart eyes for).

Annalise // Here's to Hope

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #24: mewithoutYou - Ten Stories

Hi it's the second one of these in a 24 hour period but this one's actually for today. And I'm quite tired today so I'm just gonna give a straightforward opinion on this one as good as I can. And this one is album #48: mewithoutYou's Ten Stories.

mewithoutYou // Ten Stories

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #23: The Fray - Scars & Stories

So this entry in album a day was meant to be for the 17th of March (yesterday), but I got home late as I've been out skating and gaming with my pal all night. However, that has given me a lot of time to really formulate an opinion on yesterday's album. And yesterday's album was Scars & Stories by the Fray.

The Fray // Scars & Stories

Monday, 16 March 2020

Sunday, 15 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #21: Code Orange - I am King

Hi! Happy Sunday. So, remember yesterday when I said I’d return to the RNG fun times today. HA GOTTEM.

This morning I tuned into the Code Orange record release show on Twitch. And it was fucking incredible. As a result I’ve only really been listening to Code Orange today. And as luck would have it, I've (somewhat heinously) never fully listened to I am King. It was number 743 in my RNG playlist but god knows when I would’ve rolled that, so I’m bringing it forward.

Code Orange // I am King

Saturday, 14 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #20: Ocean Grove - Flip Phone Fantasy

Welcome to Fucking With the Format #3 or whatever I called it. Today we’re listening to an album that isn’t even in the list because it came out yesterday. So there’s no RNG’ing today. The RNG fun shall return on Sunday. Today’s album however, is a request from a person who means a lot to me: Ocean Grove’s brand new record, Flip Phone Fantasy.

Ocean Grove // Flip Phone Fantasy

Friday, 13 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #19: The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual

Hello welcome to Friday. End of the week. I had a job interview today. If I'm gonna hear back I'll hear back on Monday. Lord knows what I'll be listening to on Monday. But wish ya boi luck anyway! Today though, as the title suggests, I rng'ed number 386: The Black Dahlia Murder. Ritual. FUCK YEAH, you kids like death metal?!

The Black Dahlia Murder // Ritual

Thursday, 12 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #18: Title Fight - Shed

Henlo it is Thursday and Thursday has been hard and but it seems like a good night to listen to album number 205: Title Fight’s debut record, Shed.

Title Fight // Shed

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #17: Bat for Lashes - Fur & Gold

It is Wednseday, my dudes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Anyway, back to our regular programming. Today I RNG’d the number 610. Time to get the eyeliner out, we been listening to Bat for Lashes’ debut record, Fur & Gold.

Bat for Lashes // Fur & Gold

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #16: Ceres - We Are a Team

Okay so I’m fucking with the format again today. Fifteen days was all it took and I’m already head over heels going off script. Yesterday was the pilot. Today I didn’t listen to two albums. No, today I actually chose the album that I’ve been listening to. Fuck the RNG. Today I chose album number 144. We Are a Team, by Ceres.

Ceres // We Are a Team

Monday, 9 March 2020

Sunday, 8 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #14: Silverchair - Freak Show

Happy day before Monday, nerds. Today I’ve been listening to album 292: Freak Show by Silverchair.

Silverchair // Freak Show

Saturday, 7 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #13: Death Cab for Cutie - Plans

It is now Saturday, my friends. Today I’ve listened to album #817: Death Cab for Cutie’s Plans.

Death Cab for Cutie // Plans

Friday, 6 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #12: The Receiving End of Sirens - The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi

Friday more like Fri—yeah I got nothing. Today is album number 91: The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi by The Receiving End of Sirens; the follow up to one of the best debut records to ever drop: Between the Heart & the Synapse.

The Receiving End of Sirens // The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi

Thursday, 5 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #11: The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die - Between Bodies

Happy day after Wednesday! It be Thursday the 5th of March and today, as per number 84, I have been listening to Between Bodies by The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die.

The World Is a Beautiful Place // Between Bodies 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #10: Tall Ships - Everything Touching

Yo we at double digits fam! Day ten. Not even like ten. Exactly ten. Wild. Today Google has blessed me with number 604. Tall Ships' Everything Touching - a welcome reprieve from whatever happened yesterday.

Tall Ships // Everything Touching

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #9: Arctic Monkeys - Humbug

Oh god. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GOD. Alright day nine. Album 223. Arctic Flunkeys. Bah Humbug. Let's do it.

Arctic Monkeys // Humbug

Monday, 2 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #8: Horrorshow - Bardo State

Welcome, everybody, to the start of week two. We're diving straight back into the horror of the next 1015 days, or whatever, (I'm not good at maths as will become clearly evident later on in this series) with number 949. Today I've been listening to Horrorshow's 2017 outing, Bardo State.

Horrorshow // Bardo State

Sunday, 1 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #7: Tricot - 3

I have made it a week! Day seven! This is longer than I made it through my month of haiku in like 2019 or whenever that was. Next stop, the one month milestone. But for today, we on album seven. And album seven, brought to you by none other than number six hundred and seventy-four, is 3 by Tricot! Shoutout 674, you a real one.

Tricot // 3

Saturday, 29 February 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #6: Angels & Airwaves - I-Empire

Ayoooo coming in clutch with album six, day six. Today’s number was 711. Which is, conincidentally where I’m going after this to get some fukn Krispy Kreme YEET. Anyway, Saturday 29th of February 2020, I've been listening to Angels & Airwaves' I-Empire.

Angels & Airwaves // I-Empire

Friday, 28 February 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #5: New Found Glory - Coming Home

Day five! One business week down. I'm not gonna lie, today felt like a really good day to randomly generate number 339. Until I heard it, that is. What's that Mayday Parade song? The Torment of Existence Weighed Against the Horror of Nonbeing. This review will be affectionately dubbed The Torment of New Found Glory Weighed Against the Horror of Nonbeing.

New Found Glory // Coming Home

Thursday, 27 February 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #4: Warduna – Runaljod - Gap Var Ginnunga

Good morning all, welcome to day four. Today is Thursday the 27th of February and in about an hour's time I'm going for a long-ass walk. Figured I'd get today’s album in before that. The number google spat at me this morning was 418, which is album number one by Nordic Folk sweethearts, Warduna, Runaljod - Gap Var Ginnunga.

Warduna // Runaljod - Gap Var Ginnunga

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #3: Strapping Young Lad - City

Welcome, friends, to day three of the next 1019 days of our lives. Today's number is 651. And 651 in the fantastical playlist of mystery and wonder is Strapping Young Lad's City.

Strapping Young Lad // City

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #2: The Bled - Found In the Flood

It’s the second day! And it’s not even raining. Anyway, welcome to day and album two of 1022. Today my randomly generated number was 700. This means that today, Tuesday the 25th of February 2020, I have been listening to Found in the Flood by The Bled.

The Bled // Found In the Flood

Monday, 24 February 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #1: Moonspell - Memorial

Hello and welcome to your new favourite segment on this blog: An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, in which I will effectively be dodging doctor visits for the next two and a bit years.

That’s a joke.

No, for the next 2.8 years I will actually be listening to one album from my library, per day, that I’ve either never listened to, or have only listened to partly. Once I’ve listened to the album I will do a quick write up for it. Why? Well, because I can, and because I have too damn many albums I’ve never listened to. 1022 of them to be exact.

So in preparation for this event, I took one song from each of these albums and put them all into a shuffled playlist. Every day, starting today, I will randomly generate a number from 1 to 1022, find the song at that number in the playlist, and listen to that album.

And today, Monday the 24th of February 2020, on the inaugural day of An Album a Day, our randomly generated number is 105. This means today we are listening to Moonspell’s 2006 release, Memorial.

Moonspell // Memorial

Monday, 10 February 2020


We all learned to swim,
held by the same waters.
And we've all been helpless,
standing on the sand shouting,
as the ones we love
get caught in rips. Watching,
while they're pulled out by the tide
and carried away.

But it's those odd days we find,
sea-glass, amongst the rocks,
that shines.
Beautiful mementos,
like shards from stained-glass windows,
sent from the ones
who just wound up
on different shores
in distant bays,
just to let you know
that things turned out okay.

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A 12 AM, winter drive, under blankets of black sky There'll be no sleep till Brisbane & I got exams, at 9 Cousin Dan drives while I ...

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