Saturday, 21 March 2020

An Album a Day Keeps the Doctor Away #27: Petal - Magic Gone

Happy day 27 yo. Today I went bandcamp shopping to support the music peeps. I bought a bunch of shit including an album I’ve been holding off on for a hot minute, which will be today’s album because I’m lazy. Today I bought (among other things) the second Peal album, Magic Gone, and ah yeah I may be a total mark for this shit hey.

Petal // Magic Gone

So I think that first Petal album is very nice and good. She has such a nice soft voice and this shit is as close to music that actually soothes me as I’ll ever get. It’s soft and has beautiful melodies and you can dance around in your room to it and it’s just a very nice soft album okay let me have this.

Magic Gone is a lot less rocky than album one and that kinda made me a bit hesitant at first. But my god. My heart. It can’t handle this album. I’m Sorry is brilliant guys it’s so brilliant. It’s got this bittersweet melody that just kicks my heart into a million pieces. And Shine has this smooth drumbeat and ever so light chords. Gorgeous. Something From Me: absolutely wonderful piano ballad and I feel I know that I’m the kind of girl who’s fire cannot be smothered in my soul. And the closer, my word the closer. The stardust in you is so evident / I wish I could kiss every speck of it. Come on now. That is an irresponsible thing to say because it's so sweet and I want it on a greeting card so I can send it to the people I love. This really is just beautiful album number two from Petal and you just gotta let me have it okay. I don’t know how to not like or be critical of something like this because it just takes my heart and wraps it in a big bear hug and smooshes it and I just turn into a sobbing mess. It’s just good and you just need to listen to it.

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