Annalise // Here's to Hope |
And this album here is. It’s okay. It’s very very okay britpunk. I like a lot of the actual songs here, like the instrumentals. I just don’t think the vocalist suits the songs I really don’t. The only ones he suits are The Undisputed King of England (which also has very nice guest vocals from Pippa Wragg), You Break Me, Time Capsule, and Here’s to Hope. Which are strangely the more melodic punk tracks on here (and also the ones where he’s not on his bah bah bah bah-bah-bah’s).
I’d like this so much more if they had not a standard kinda shoutty punk man. Honestly if the guest vocalist on track one was the actual vocalist on all the tracks, writing legit singalong melodies instead of shouties, I’d be so much more into this album. But as it stands, I think track one, and You Break Me are definitely worth a listen. Outside of that it’s just a bit too okay for me.
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